lørdag den 31. januar 2015

Children and games

My niece have been using a tablet since she was 2 years old, she is now 4. First time I ever saw her going against her parents, was when the tablet she was painting popular children characters on went out due to lack of power. She threw a tantrum unlike anything I have ever seen, from her atleast. "Turn it back on!" she cried, while my brother and his wife tried explaining the concept of power on a mobile device. She was not listening she just wanted to play again.
Now she playing games on it, and she really enjoys it. Give her a tablet to play on an she will enter a different universe, one were you cannot directly contact her.
Recently the the media have caught this new trend amongst young children, and have had self proclaimed family gurus in talking about the phenomenon. And surprise surprise, it is a full scale demonisation of the media platform and games (like there is anything else).
The advises ranging from putting the tablets away for certain days/hours of the day, to rehab from the childrens tablet addiction.
And this really gets to me, psychologists examining this seems to have very narrow view on the subject. My niece paints, play games, listens to stories, and watches cartoons, when i was her age i had to do those things four different places. So because technology have made it easier for kids to do the things they have always enjoyed, it is a bad thing?
Do not get me wrong, I am not advocating that children should sit with a tablet all day long and do nothing else, that just would not be very stimulating to the young bodies. And the parent to children relation should have more presence, but that does not have to exclude the tablet. Parents can just as likely bond with their children over a tablet game, as they can at little legue soccer, maybe even more.
The point that needs to come through, also in the media, is that not everything should be spun in to a problem/conflict, but should be weigh in an objective manner that makes the recipient able to make up his or her mind on the subject.
But I guess that is not news worthy, and people would zap away.  

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