torsdag den 29. januar 2015

Randomness in CCG games.

Hearthstone is a new digital CCG which is now being used as a E-sport, but due to the randomness of the game it simply has to be done differently than and ordinary E-sport such as League of Legends or Starcraft. In a game of Hearthstone even the most skilled player can lose twice in a row, and then find him or herself out of the tournament, while that is not likely to happen in LoL. In Hearthstone there is always the luck of the draw involved, but over many games skill will show.
I know this since I frequently play Magic the Gathering tournament, where all players play several matches against more players, and the player with the highest win percentage proceeds.
So when i watch Hearthstone tournament currently at and a player loses twice, and I know that player is better than his opponent, I simply cannot help but laugh.
The E-sport scene has accepted Hearthstone into the fine games that is used for E-sport, but it is still under the premises that the game has little to none randomness in it. And that is a problem that needs to be resolved, since the current winner are "random" winners, that just had a lucky day.  

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