lørdag den 6. december 2014

E-sports and spectatorship: Epic heroes and villains in football

I had an idea during the lecture on e-sports and spectatorship. As a person who watches a lot of football, I am very focussed on something emotional around the game and I think it involves some sort of narrative or “story” that my fellow spectators and I create around the game when we watch it and talk about it. I could explain it with one of Roger Caillois’s (2001) types of play, mimicry. In watching football me and my friends create characters and epic stories about much more than just being more able to kick a ball into a goal. I do not read much about football players’ personal life because to me it is not of importance. Of cause we have bad guys too. In my case, my heroes are Barcelona, a team of brave and kind men with the protagonist Messi in lead, against the villains, Real Madrid - whom my friends and I are applying archetypal villain trades like greed and coldheartedness. I can tell these are fictional stories and narratives that we, the spectators, are creating collectively in fan groups, because, whereas Barcelona fans views Ronaldo, the key forward of Real Madrid, as a hysterical and childish person, fans of Real Madrid consider him an honorable and hardworking character. It would be interesting to research more on the stories we as spectators are wrapping around a certain sport and its athletes.

Caillois, Roger. Man, play, and games. University of Illinois Press, 2001.

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