torsdag den 11. december 2014


Tekken is a game series of martial arts games. Here you are tasked to battle each other with the super skills of the different characters of the game. The players can choose to play in teams or one on one, both on screen and in real life.
On screen, you can choose one character or a team of characters. Off screen, you can be playing alone, one on one or in teams. You decide.
I have played these game in every which way possible. I have played alone, trying to gain characters and their backstory. I have played one on one with my brother. I have played in teams and against different people. And I have spectated others playing the game. Sometimes we would make it a group effort to reach a certain level in arcade mode. When you died, another would take the controller and you would have to wait until it was your turn again.
However, I realized that there was a big difference between playing the arcade mode and the battle mode. For an example I was once stuck on a certain level, unable to beat the boss. My brother decided to try and choose another character. Once the battle started, he did nothing but make the character kick the opponent. And he won. After that we found out that by repeating the same kicking action, winning was fairly easy, which soon created a problem.
When we were battling each other this advantage or cheat in the game was deemed exactly that – a cheat – by us. Therefore, we soon agreed that such moves were illegal in battle. They were still practiced in arcade mode, but when playing against others it was considered a cheat. If you were to perform such moves anyway, nobody would want to play with you.
This shows that there was a clear distinction between what was considered a legal move in arcade mode and what was legal in multiplayer battle.
So cheating depends on who you are playing against; a person or a machine.

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